Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015

Peter Pan (2003) Voll Streaming

These ingredients are digitally present and correct, but Hogan fails to inject much excitement into the many boisterous action sequences.. I...

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

Der Herr der Ringe - Die zwei Türme (2002) Film-Streaming

This film doesn't change my review of the original, but it does have me eagerly looking forward to the final installment. I liked it a l...

Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch (2005) Download Film

Depp, grimacing, edges in and out of the action and seems irrelevant and bored most of the time.. With further sequels already in the works,...

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2015

Klick (2006) Film-Streaming

There's nothing pretty or exciting about this movie (inexplicably, it's in 3-D), even when all anyone's doing is fighting.. Adam...

300 (2006) Beobachten Film

Keeping in mind Slate's Mickey Kaus' Hitler Rule -- never compare anything to Hitler -- it isn't a stretch to imagine Adolf'...

Selasa, 06 Oktober 2015

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2010) Streaming-

Despite all the care that has been put into it, the film doesn't transcend its dime-store horror roots.. There is so much here that one ...

Ruby Sparks - Meine fabelhafte Freundin (2012) Film Abspielen

So much more satisfying than the cut-rate romantic comedy that it could have been.. Kazan isn't beautiful. She's not even pretty, at...