Senin, 01 Juni 2015

Spieglein Spieglein - Die wirklich wahre Geschichte von Schneewittchen (2012) Beobachten Film

Mirror Mirror is an odd little fantasia of a movie -- part jaunty adventure, part broad romantic comedy, part auteurist spectacle.. Even if you're as annoyed by the movie as I was, you'll come out laughing the costumes.. As Snow White, actress Lily Collins is a washout.. An attitude of mischief and charm rather than outright satire.. Everything looks, well, fantastic.. Singh is much more skilled as a visual artist than a storyteller, and his artistic fortunes seem to rise and fall with the inspi...


Spieglein Spieglein - Die wirklich wahre Geschichte von Schneewittchen (2012) Beobachten Film Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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